Quotation Explorer - 'Olawale Daniel'

You've got your Brain, Google, and most importantly, you've got Youtube. Use'em! - Olawale Daniel
The elevator can take you up to greater heights ONLY IF you take positive action by pressing the button. Greatness in life is all about the right choices you make. - Olawale Daniel
Beauty will attract a man, but more than it will help you to keep him. - Olawale Daniel
Do not let anybody reign with you, until they suffer with you. - Olawale Daniel
It cost nothing to think bigger than you are, BUT cost a fortune to think less of yourself. - Olawale Daniel
Don't envy my smile because it took me a lot of tears to get it. So when you see the glory, ask for the story. - Olawale Daniel
Know your biggest WHY? Why do you joined network marketing business. Why do you want to change your life? It is your WHY that pushes you and edges you towards the crown of glory in the industry. Discover your why and get things done quickly, - Olawale Daniel
The death of any man will not remove God's throne. - Olawale Daniel
It is not who you are NOW, it is what GOD says you are that matter. - Olawale Daniel
You ain't get nothing for staying low, lazy. The world only tremble at the feet of the few craziest doers ever lived. - Olawale Daniel
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